

Radiance Holdings (Group) Company Limited

Radiance Holdings (Group) Company Limited are a reputable large property developer with national presence, regional focus and leading positions in selected cities, and we focus on providing quality residential properties to first-time home buyers and first-time upgraders. With over 20 years of experience, we have expanded our operations into eight regions with strong economic growth potential in China, Including the Yangtze River Delta, Bohai Rim, Southeast China, Pearl River Delta, Southwest China, Central China, East China and Northwest China On the morning of October 29, 2020, Radiance Holdings (Group) Company Limited (Stock code: 9993.HK) was officially listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

The origins of our Company can be traced back to the establishment of Radiance Group by Mr. Lam, our founder, our chairman of the Board, executive Director and one of our Controlling Shareholders, in September 1996 with funds generated from his prior business engagements, when we acquired our first land parcel in Fuzhou, Fujian Province and subsequently developed it into our first residential property project, Fuzhou Jinjiang Garden (福州錦江花園). Prior to the establishment of Radiance Group, Mr. Lam was working in a property development company in the PRC for years, where he became familiar with and accumulated extensive experience in the property development industry in the PRC. Having seen the great potential for growth in the PRC real estate industry, Mr. Lam entered into the property development industry to commence the development of residential properties in Fuzhou City in Fujian Province of the PRC.

Since then, we have expanded our residential property development business into different cities across the PRC and further established four branded series: the New Block series (優(yōu)步系), the Elite’s Mansion series (雲(yún)著系), the King’s Garden series (銘著系) and the Metropolitan series (大城系). In addition to residential property development, we started to engage in the development, operation and management of commercial properties in 1999 and the leasing of a portion of such commercial properties.

安图县| 桐乡市| 株洲县| 那坡县| 尉氏县| 广昌县| 浦东新区| 铜山县| 行唐县| 新宁县| 文水县| 都安| 科技| 麻栗坡县| 馆陶县| 合山市| 和平区| 石景山区| 宁安市| 福建省| 隆回县| 襄樊市| 柳河县| 郸城县| 珲春市| 佳木斯市| 左云县| 天水市| 赤水市| 休宁县| 正蓝旗| 基隆市| 微山县| 信宜市| 疏附县| 彭州市| 顺平县| 凭祥市| 民丰县| 广西| 乌恰县|